Product Examples

Every Engagement is Unique - Here are some Ideas


Dive deep into your customer habits and demographics

Using unsupervised learning, we can find unique clusters of like minded customers in your datasets. This is a great tool for targeted advertising and products.


Data Security, Network Security, Fraud Detection

Machine learning is frequently applied in all aspects of security. Analyzing patterns in log data, network traffic, transactions and more, Narrative can build tools for your unique data and situation.

Ask us how we can help!

Recommendation Engine

What do your Customers want to Binge on Next?

Whether you offer thousands of products or online content, your customers are increasingly dependent on your recommendations for their purchases and activities. We can build deep neural networks to analyze their activites and predict what and when they will make their next purchases.


Hey Google, What will our inventory be in three weeks in Japan?

Voice is a great tool for accessing your data and prediction machines. Using AI tools like Alexa and Google, we can build tools for your business for internal use, and for new channels to reach your customers in their homes.

Revenue Optimisation

Airlines do it, shouldn't you?

Setting target prices seems like voodoo. What if you could change your prices in real time to meet the Supply & Demand curve at that exact second? This used to be the holy grail of machine learning, and is now available quickly and via our subscription model.

Ask us how today!

Data Singularity

All the data in one location

Date warehouses are big, expensive, and hard to get value from. Let us modernize and optimize your data into a unified location (we call it a Lake). Then you can launch new BI tools, data science efforts, and save millions annually.